Saturday, November 19, 2022

IN the NEWS - A New 10 Commandments?

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6
"On November 13, 2022, in Sharm-el-Sheikh, which some believe to be the location of Mount Sinai, something unimaginable occurred. 
A new religion was proclaimed from Mount Sinai as part of the COP27 climate conference in Egypt, as representatives from all the world’s faith communities came together to work toward a single, universal goal.
There must be a common concern that unites us all. 
There must be one issue that the world religions must focus on above all others. 
There must be a single universal creed that the entire religious spectrum can fervently affirm. 
, there is a new religion that has emerged, and it is based on the hysteria surrounding climate change.
What comes next sounds unbelievable. But it is true! As part of this year’s climate conference, COP27, a prophetic call for climate justice has been issued, a new religious creed has been established, a new set of 10 Commandments has been declared, and a new “climate change” religion has officially been born.
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD) is a multi-faith organization that is committed to assisting the different churches transition by helping them discover the connection between religion and ecology.
Due to their conviction that only religion can affect change in people, the ICSD believes that the COP27 will be ineffective without the participation of religion.
Now consider how the ICSD must change the churches before changing society:
We come to Sinai in a movement of repentance and quest. We seek a new vision for humanity and its endangered existence, and we seek to receive and amplify a message of life-sustaining living and habits that humanity needs to hear today. In this spirit, the project partners will bring together premier religious leaders from the world’s major religions to put forth a prophetic interreligious call to action: “Ten Universal Principles for Climate Justice.”
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD), together with partners, is organizing four multifaith climate events at COP 27, from Monday, Nov. 14 through Wednesday, Nov. 16. 
The ICSD is not alone. The World Council of Churches (WCC), the largest Christian worldwide ecumenical organization, also published a statement of solidarity with COP27. They called it the “Statement on the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27).” The document states in part:
WCC representatives are joining ecumenical, interfaith and civil society partners at the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, in urgent advocacy for change, for metanoia (change)
“We share the sense of urgency in the UN Secretary-General’s own impassioned words: ‘We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator. Our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irreversible’.” 
COP 27 is a critical occasion for governments to together re-envision, develop, commit to and implement a roadmap towards a fossil fuel-free, post-growth, equitable and sustainable tomorrow, and to tackle the greatest existential challenge to life on the planet.” 

The ICSD and the WCC are international religious organizations that are currently mobilizing the churches to take action. They are creating a world-wide mission that supersedes all other missions. They are calling on churches to unite with political groups and governments to push for a universal eco-religion. COP27 is tapping into the power that the churches wield.

The new “climate change” religion is seeking to connect religion and ecology. What makes this so enormously dangerous is that millions of Christians are being turned away from the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many believers have abandoned God’s truth completely. Their new fight is not against sin but against fossil fuels. 
They have also embraced 
the new morality of “ecocide.”
Ecology has taken the place of theology. 
This seeks to bring religion and nature together. 
The idea that the natural world is holy and that we need to acknowledge the interdependence of humans, nature, and all of creation has been primarily promoted by Pope Francis.
November 14, 2022, The Church Times, a Christian publication from the UK, published “The Ten Principles for Climate Repentance.” These 10 Principles of Climate Repentance are a “reference to the Ten Commandments revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai” and were unveiled to “coincide with the UN climate talks, COP27.”
Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs participated in an interfaith climate repentance ceremony to celebrate this new moral code for climate change.
The 10 Principles of Climate Repentance are as follows:

1 – We are stewards of this world;
2 – Creation manifests divinity;
3 – Everything in life is interconnected;
4 – Do no harm;
5 – Look after tomorrow;
6 – Rise above ego for our world;
7 – Change our inner climate;
8 – Repent and return;
9 – Every action matters;
10 – Use mind, open heart.

These religious leaders are placing themselves on an equal level with God, believing that they can create a new set of Ten Commandments to combat climate change.  
In essence, we are being told that God’s law is not enough. 
We need something more. 
We need a new code and a new guide that are not contained in the Word of God. 
Unknown to the world, these new religious leaders are setting the world adrift in a sea of doubt that will only lead to more lawlessness and sin."