Tuesday, November 22, 2022

IN the NEWS - Green Religion: New Tithing Scheme

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel... Galatians 1:6
"New Zealand—a country with twice as many cows and five times
as many sheep as people—has proposed a new tax directed at the “greenhouse gases” that farm animals produce, such as methane gas from cows and sheep burping and nitrous oxide from their urine. This tax is part of their plan to fight climate change by becoming “carbon neutral” by 2050.

*While the fact that the climate is changing is observational science, climate models (trying to predict the future) are highly susceptible to the parameters used in the models. That’s why different scientists get different results and therefore make different (and, so far, wildly inaccurate) predictions.
*Most, if not all, of the doomsday predictions by climate change alarmists haven’t come true. Instead the goal posts just keep moving and the hand wringing continues. For example, in the 1970’s the concern was global cooling, then it became global warming, and now, with no significant warming or cooling in 15 years, the concern is now more extreme weather patterns.
*What you believe about the age of the earth will determine much of what you believe about past climates and the amount of warming in the recent past.
*Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane (especially methane), make up a very small percentage of the warming effect (water vapor and clouds have a much bigger effect) so the docile cows and sheep in New Zealand really aren’t doing anything to destroy the earth. Indeed, it may be that this increase in carbon dioxide is actually leading to a greener planet, with more food available for everyone." AIG