Thursday, November 24, 2022

IN the NEWS - Des Moines Register pushes a "Day of Rest"

 Woe unto us! 1 Samuel 4:8
"In an article published in the Des Moines Register on November 21, 2022, titled “Now is a Good Time to Create a Regular Day of Rest,” we read:
Tish Harrison Warren, THW, writes, ‘When a careerist culture meets a digital revolution that allows unlimited access to work, something’s got to give. And in America, that something tends not to be work demands but is instead the human soul’.’
“Recently THW, an Anglican priest, examined how the dynamics of our contemporary work environments increasingly sap any humaneness from our employment and deplete our spirits. She probed the history, intent, and evolution of a sabbath day as a lens to understand our current predicament and to suggest constructive responses. One such response THW offered is the renewal of a palpable and impenetrable humane day of rest unplugged from digital monitoring and employer or customer communication.”
“She yearns for ‘a life where a healthy rhythm of work and rest characterize each day and each week, a life where we can do good, hard, meaningful work and then truly leave it behind’.” 
Her wish may be ready to emerge.” 
THW’s ruminations shed a light on an ideal moment and opportunity for our culture to coalesce into a new day of recalibration and recharge. Cultural apparatuses are present that may do the trick. Basic income and the four-day work week, perhaps, could bring us to this goal of a delineated restful day.” 
Q: Do you see how a “Sunday law sentiment is being manufactured throughout our nation? 
The so-called “secular” media is making a plea for a “Sabbath day” of rest for our “culture” on the grounds that people need to recharge and unplug from work." AdventMessenger