Monday, November 21, 2022

IN the NEWS - Criminal Record for Quoting Scripture

"Genesis 1:27 is very straightforward: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” 
Unlike the gender confusion of our day, God’s design is clear. 
But is saying such a thing “transphobic” or a “hate crime”?
Well, one former athlete in Greece, Vassilis Tsiartas, recently “received a [10-month suspended] jail sentence and a fine” for two 2017 social media posts that cited, among other things, God’s design of “Adam and Eve” in response to proposed legislation. He was then sued by the Transgender Support Association, who believe that his sentencing is “particularly important for the transgender community.”
This Greek court has ruled that free speech does not apply to Tsiartas’ beliefs based on the Bible.
Instead, those who promote body mutilating surgeries, sterilizing hormones, and radical ideology to children and young adults are free to say whatever they want
But those who believe God’s Word, and the simple truth that we’re created male and female, are vilified and punished. 
It’s an upside-down world today where truth is error and error is truth!" AIG