Saturday, November 26, 2022

Creation Moment 11/27/2022 -The Verse that Keeps it Real

For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Romans 1:20
"FORTUNATELY there are some things which men cannot deny. There are plenty of them who 
deny God, 
deny Christ, 
deny the Holy Spirit, 
deny divine revelation, 
and deny any hereafter. 
---But they cannot deny that which may be called the "here." 
 The present state of existence is a fact which cannot be ignored. 
Man finds himself in a real, material world, on a plane of existence
which is full of mystery and marvel
He finds himself with a bodily organism wonderfully constructed. with a mind able to reason, reflect, draw conclusions, and lay plans for the future
He can pry into the secrets of nature, resolve substances of the earth into their original elements, and with instruments that multiply his vision a thousandfold, explore the blue expanse above him, and study a stellar worlds in their grand procession through boundless space. 
---But amid all the phenomena of life, he sees another, if possible stranger still the phenomenon of death. Immediately, so far as anything appears to the outward sense, his powers are gone. His mind ceases to act; his body, unable longer to resist decay, disintegrates and mingles with the dust.
---A retinue of mysterious inquiries throng our steps. 
Q: Whence came this order of things? 
Q: Who ordained this arrangement?
Q: For what purpose are we here? 
Q: What are our obligations?
Q: And whither are we bound?" 
Uriah Smith