Thursday, November 24, 2022

Creation Moment 11/25/2022 - Science of Thanksgiving

Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. Revelation 7:12
"Should science tread into areas of virtue? Here’s how a science news entry begins: “Rather than rolling your eyes when it’s your turn to bow your head and give thanks, try being grateful. The result just might be good for you. From boosting your mood to improving your relationships, research shows that being thankful is good for your health.
Right off the bat, an unusual article on Live Science assumes most people will roll their eyes at a thanksgiving prayer (meaning, this is stupid). That reveals a strong reporter bias. 
But then, the editors at Live Science assume science can turn a virtue
into a self-serving goal: improving one’s own health. If you pretend to be thankful just to improve your own health, are you really being thankful?
Live Science is only echoing what Steve Toepfer of Kent State University thinks about the pragmatic benefits of gratitude. The self-serving end of his prescription is clear in the if-then statement: “If you are looking to increase your well-being through intentional activities, take 15 minutes three times over three weeks and write letters of gratitude to someone,” he said. 
But even if this activity results in measurable improvements in health and happiness by a scientist, it still begs the question of whether it is really thankfulness.  And what if the opening paragraph really advised praying thankfully instead of rolling one’s eyes at the blessing before the feast?
Suggested prayer for the secular self-serving follower of Toepfer: “Dear whatever is out there, I know you don’t exist, and this activity is dumb, but a scientist says it is good for my health, so I’m going to pretend to be thankful just to improve my well-being. So thank me, thank me, thank me, I really appreciate me.”

Being thankful means getting your mind off yourself. Don’t let a scientist trick you with vain words. True thankfulness can only come from a heart that acknowledges its Creator. The
reason God is angry is that his creatures do not acknowledge Him as God, and are not thankful (Romans 1:21). So to even start being thankful, you have to acknowledge your Maker as God. If you haven’t yet done that,
thanksgiving Day is a great time to enter the narrow gate. Drop your selfish baggage, admit your sin, acknowledge your Creator, and accept the sacrifice of his Son on the cross for your guilt. Any joy you will feel in your own heart, and any improvements to your health and well-being, will be mere by-products of a far greater goal: blessing God and others by your real, true, thankfulness." CEH