Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Creation Moment 11/16/2022 - "Adaptive Radiation" New Evolutionary BuzzWord

  And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. Genesis 1:24

"The evolution of mammals from non-mammals, like the evolution
of all other animal groups, has been, and will always be, problematic. English paleontologist Michael Benton stated, “The origin of the Placentalia, the crown group including modern placental mammals and their ancestors, is a much-discussed question.”
Indeed, placental mammals have always been placental mammals. Their ancestors or early members, creationists predict, will not be found.
Despite there being many fossil mammals from the right time period, identifying fossils that represent the ancestors or early members of the placental mammal group, which would have lived in the late Cretaceous, just before the dinosaur extinction, has been a major debate among scientists.
Team leader Prof. Anjali Goswami at the Natural History Museum of London stated,

"This research will transform how we understand the incredible radiation of placental mammals, a group that includes our own species, and how that critical period after the last mass extinction 66 million years ago has shaped over evolution ever since."

The evolutionists speak of “adaptive radiation (rapid evolution which fills a variety of ecological niches) of mammals” and “the incredible radiation of placental mammals” 
but they are still just placental mammals according to their various kinds designed by the Creator to move in and fill the variety of ecological niches.
The Science article recognizes inconsistencies between evolution’s
theory and evidence when it states, “The Cenozoic diversification of placental mammals is the archetypal adaptive radiation. Yet, discrepancies between molecular divergence estimates and the fossil record fuel ongoing debate around the timing, tempo, and drivers of this radiation.
Thus, it can be concluded that there is no real evolution occurring, just adaptation to the environment." ICR