Friday, October 7, 2022

What Spiritual Composure Entails......

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
Matthew 10:38
"For truly, Christians ought to be a kind of men born to bear slanders and injuries, open to the malice, deceits, and mockeries of wicked men. 
And not that only, but they ought to bear patiently all these evils. 
That is, they should have such complete spiritual composure that, having received one offense, 
they make ready for another, 
promising themselves throughout life nothing but the bearing of a perpetual cross. 
Meanwhile, let them also do good to those who do them harm, and bless those who curse them [Luke 6:28; cf. Matt. 5:44], and (this is their only victory) strive to conquer evil with good [Rom. 12:21]. (Inst. 4:20:20)." Calvin