Thursday, October 20, 2022

Simplifying the Close of Probation

"The proclamation of the third angel, which is made while Christ is closing up his work in the sanctuary, is designed to prepare the living for the decision of the Judgment
----When the cases of the living are reached, probation closes up forever. 
The decree goes forth from the throne of God, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; . . . and he that is holy, let him be holy still." Rev.22:11
---The sins of the overcomers being blotted out, and the sanctuary
cleansed, the Son of God is no
longer needed as a great High Priest
He therefore ceases from the office forever and becomes a king for the deliverance and glorification of his people, and for the destruction of all transgressors. Dan.7:13,14.  
---Satan, the author of sin, receives its dreadful burden when the work in the sanctuary is closed, and will bear it with him to the lake of fire." J.N. Andrews