Monday, October 3, 2022

"Excuses" For Changing the Sabbath SERIES: His "Day"

"But what authority, then, do they show for changing the Sabbath! Not a particle of direct testimony, ..... However, they have several inferences which they think make the subject very plain.
 7. John was in the Spirit upon the Lord's day, which is the first day of the week. Rev. i, 10. 
It is peculiarly unfortunate for the advocates of a change of the Sabbath, that in every instance they are obliged to assume the very point which they ought to prove. 
---This text is clear proof that there is a day in the gospel dispensation which the Lord claims as His. 
Q: But is there one text in the Book of God that testifies that
the first day of the week is the Lord's day! 
A: There is not one. 
Q: Has God ever claimed the day as His! 
A: Never. 
Q: Has God ever claimed any day as His, and
reserved it to Himself? 
A: He has. "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified
it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and
made." Gen. ii, 3.  
"But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God." Ex.
xx, 10.
Then the seventh day is the day which God reserved to Himself, when He gave to man the other six; and this day he calls His holy day. This is the day which the New Testament designates the Son of man as Lord of. ....hence, those who believe in a Sabbath, must either resort to the so-called Christian Fathers for proof of the change, or they must observe the Sabbath according to the commandment.  
---And further, if we allow the Fathers to corrupt the fourth
commandment, must we not also admit their right to corrupt all the ordinances of the News Testament! 
---And as they have established purgatory, invocation of saints, the worship of the virgin Mary, etc., must we not receive those also?
The Protestant professes to receive the Bible alone as his standard of faith and practice. The Papist receives the Bible and the tradition of the Fathers as his rule. 
The Protestant cannot prove the change of the Sabbath from his ownstandard, (the Bible,) therefore he is, on this point, obliged to adopt that of the Papist." 
J.N. Andrews