Sunday, October 2, 2022

Creation Moment 10/3/2022 - Watch FREAKSHOW

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth...
Acts 17:26 

Click on Link Below for a Freak Show....
Freakshow begins with a look into the circus and carnival world of the 1800s and how exploitation was used to promote dehumanizing ideas (including the concept of evolutionary “missing links”). 
The series then moves through the 20th century, including exposing the genocide in Namibia (little known), the German Holocaust (and how these two events are connected), and all the way to the present day, where we still find ourselves dealing with racist attitudes. 
You’ll see how racist ideas have lingered in our education systems to this day—and are even promoted as science and fact. AIG