Thursday, October 27, 2022

Creation Moment 10/28/2022 - Copying the Creator's Design

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing......
Genesis 1:24

"Busy bees. Dazzling dragonflies. Meddlesome mosquitoes. 
They all have the most amazing flying abilities. 

Q: How do they do it? 
A: We are happy to offer a new article about God’s marvellous creation which explains some of the secrets of insect flight, supplied to us by Mr. Martin Tampier.
Martin is a professional engineer and energy consultant in Laval, Quebec.

Martin concludes,

Research around insect flight is on-going and many mysteries still need to be solved. However, some of the complicated features of insect wings are already being copied for man-made technology, including the development of micro-aerial vehicles—ironically modeled after the ‘primitive’ flying of dragonflies.
So while they may not recognize insects as divinely designed, researchers are confirming that they are incredibly complex and use extremely sophisticated physical mechanisms. To date, even the most amazing modelling software is insufficient to properly show how they achieve all of their amazing feats." CWC