Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Creation Moment 10/19/2022 - Problems for the Plasma Universe Theory

In the beginning God created the heaven.... Genesis 1:1

"Plasma theorists point out that cosmologists generally assume that gravity is the only significant force that affects the structure of the universe, though gravity by far is the weakest of the fundamental forces. 
Electromagnetic forces are far stronger and are responsible for chemical bonds that cause most of the forces that we encounter every day. 
However, while the effect of gravity appears to have no limit over the distance that it operates, electromagnetic forces generally have a limited range. This limitation is due to the fact that most matter is electrically neutral.
Persistent spiral structure has been difficult to explain in terms of gravity alone, and so plasma theorists cite spiral structure as evidence that magnetic effects significantly affect matter on a large scale.
The plasma theory suggests that the universe is permeated with strong magnetic fields that confine how matter moves. 
If magnetic force dominates gravitational force over the large scale of the universe, then any cosmology that overlooks this is seriously flawed. 
---In the plasma universe, magnetic force shapes local structure such as spiral galaxies and clusters of galaxies, but it also determines the structure of the universe as a whole. 
Q: How can this be reconciled with the observation that the universe is expanding? After all, if the universe is eternally expanding, there should have been more-than-ample time to have expanded the universe to virtually zero density. 
A: Plasma theorists reply that the universe has not always been expanding. Instead, there are regions of the universe that are now expanding, but there are others that are contracting. Expanding regions will eventually halt expansion and contract, while
contracting regions will reverse and begin expanding at some time in the future. Different parts of the universe have been alternately expanding and contracting in this fashion forever and will continue to do so forever. We just happen to live in a region of space that is expanding at this time. We also must be far from any neighboring regions that are contracting, or else we would see evidence of that. 
In other words, our expanding universe is merely a small subset of a much larger universe, and the extrapolation of the expansion back into time to a big bang is an unwarranted extrapolation.
There are a number of problems with the plasma cosmology
It asks us to accept some things that have not been observed. 
It cannot explain the CBR. 
The originators of the plasma universe have not explained how the increase in entropy with time can be circumvented. 
From a Christian perspective there are problems as well. 
The plasma cosmology is a return to an eternal universe, so there is no need or place for a Creator." AIG