Saturday, October 15, 2022

Biblical View of Free Speech

"When you erode free speech you erode free thought
Thought is always embodied in speech
This is why Jesus says "those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart" (Matthew 15:18). 
--When you joke about killing someone for what they said, you are joking about killing them for what they thought. 
Peter Hitchens warns,  
These new totalitarians no doubt deeply oppose the death penalty for murder. Yet in my own home town, Oxford, I have seen people walking around wearing T-shirts carrying the words A Platform For Fascists and a picture of a guillotine, the instrument by which the radical French Revolutionaries murdered thousands of their conservative opponents after kangaroo trials. You can buy these witty garments for a bargain £12.84 on the internet.
--There is a violence toward the very idea of freedom embedded in all attacks on free speech. Words scare people. 
Your conception of reality might be different than my conception of reality. 
Your words might lead me to think differently than I presently do. Your words might wake me up.
I might use my God-given mind to think something new."
 Larry Kirkpatrick/F7