Wednesday, September 7, 2022

South Wind of God's Thoughts

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, 
saith the LORD, 
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, 
to give you an expected end.
Jeremiah 29:11 
The Lord not only thinks of you, but towards you.

His thoughts are all drifting your way. 
This is the way the south wind of His thoughts of peace is moving: it is towards you. The Lord never forgets His own, for He has graven them upon the palms of His hands. 
If any of you are in trouble and sorrow to-day, do not doubt that this is sent you according to the thoughtful purpose of the Lord. It is in this fixed intent and thoughtfulness that the real character of an action lies.
---You will all agree with me when I say that our attitude should be that of submission. 
If God, in all that he does towards us, is acting with an object, and that object a loving one, then let Him do what seemeth Him good. Henceforth let us have no quarrel with the God of Providence; but let us say, “Thy will be done.” 
Charles Spurgeon