Monday, September 26, 2022

SDA Issues: 1844 and the Great Reset can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
Matthew 16:3
"Dr. James Lindsay, ....At about the 8 minute mark of the lecture, Lindsay said this:
You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy was on a video
from 2016, but that was not an idea that was expressed for the first time in 2016.  Let me tell you something that was written in 1844.  In 1844, a young 25 year-old goober by the name of Karl Marx, was writing what is now known as “The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts,” sometimes called the “Paris Manuscripts”  . . .
In these manuscripts what Karl Marx did—this is four years before he wrote “The Communist Manifesto” and 23 years before “Capital” [Das Kapital], this was his early writings--and what he designed in those pages was nothing short of a religion.  The name of the religion can be called communism or it can be called Marxism.  And what he describes throughout those pages is what that religion entails. 
But at one point, page roughly 103 in the copy I have, if I remember right, he writes that communism is the positive transcendence of private property.  You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy.  It is not just relinquishing private property—that’s crude communism.  True communism is the positive transcendence of private property. You don’t need private property You will own nothing and you’ll be happy.
And what he says that is equal to is the transcendence of human self-estrangement, which is how you know it is a religion. Humans are estranged from one another in the same way that humans after the Fall are estranged from God.  And we’re going to undo it.  We’re going to make our way back into the Garden of Eden on our own terms
That’s what Karl Marx was writing about; that is the Marxian religion.  And we’re going to have the positive
transcendence of private property as the mark that we have arrived.  That is the goal. At which point, Karl says, we will remember that we are truly social, our human nature is that we are a truly social species-being, a truly social animal. Communist, is what he means. Communism, he says at the end of the same paragraph, is the riddle of history solved, and it knows itself to be the solution. 
You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy is the 2016 update of an 1844 sentence by Karl Marx, or paragraph, if you want. 
So when you realize that the “Great Reset” is a comma in a communist revolution, or communist religion, you realize that what we’re going for is some kind of updated communism. 
And we’ve tried these things and they don’t work.  And they’re not going to work.  Every attempt so far in the world to introduce communism has killed people by at least the hundreds of thousands, depending on the country, often the millions, sometimes the tens of millions, so that its victims over just the 20th Century alone probably number just over 100 million people who didn’t need to die.  .  
So the people perpetrating the Great Reset understand this mentality; they will use people and then discard them.  We’ve seen hundreds of millions die in the twentieth century, I believe it will be billions, with a “b” and an “s” on the end of it, if this is allowed to proceed through the next, say, 30 years. And we’re at the exclamation point part of that.  We’re coming to the point where this has to be stopped.”    
To me, it is very striking when someone who is not an Adventist or even a Christian (James Lindsay is reportedly an atheist), and couldn’t possibly know much about the Adventist religion, starts
talking about 1844 and “early writings.”  I interpret a coincidence like that as God trying to get my attention, and He got it. 
What Dr. Lindsay is telling us is that Karl Marx had formulated the basic principles of his new religion in 1844, years before “The Communist Manifesto” and “Das Kapital” were published.....despite the Soviet capitulation in 1989, it is now far stronger and more influential than it has ever been, in the form of the radical environmentalism (“The Green New Deal”), Cultural Marxism, critical theory, and race and gender ideology
First Darwinism and now Marxism have taken over most significant Western institutions, beginning with academia.  
From there, these ideas have spread all throughout the culture and society, including into the Christian Church." David Read/Fukcrum7

BTW, It's NOT that the Great Reset is the Mark of the Beast, but rather powers at play that are Greasing The Skids for the Beast Entity....