Friday, September 16, 2022

Paths From Babel: A Glimpse into Babel Technology? (Pakistan/India)

So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth... Genesis 11:8 

"The ancient city of Mohenjo Daro, the best preserved city from the Bronze Age, is located in Pakistan's southern Sindh province. It was a part of Indus Valley was one of the world's oldest urban civilizations situated in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, and consisting of what is now present-day Pakistan and northwest India......believed to have had a population of some five million
people. One of the most famous and well-preserved cities of this civilization is Mohenjo Daro. The inhabitants of this city were skilled urban planners and traders, as the discoveries made within the city suggests.
They also had a knack for controlling the water of river Indus, and they built wells and a proper drainage system with bathing areas and flushing toilets.
Mohenjo Daro
means "Mound of the Dead" in Sindhi language. The city's original name is unknown, but analysis of the city's seal suggests a possible ancient Dravidian name, Kukkutarma, as stated by the research paper, The Chronology of Indus Valley Civilization.....the city had a proper writing system, urban centers, and diversified social and economic systems. At its height of development....Following last month's floods, Pakistan is currently one-third under water. Millions of people have been displaced from their homes and more than 1,300 people have died. The extensive damage is seen in the heritage sites across the country too. The ruins of Mohenjo Daro have been affected as well."