Friday, September 23, 2022

IN the NEWS - Attempted Human Sacrifice for Mother Earth

The Father God says....
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil,... Jeremiah 29:11
Whereas for so-called Mother Earth....
"A climate protester set himself on fire Friday just before Roger
Federer was set to play his last-ever match at 02 Arena. The 20-year-old activist named 'Kai' set his right arm on fire int he middle of the court to protest the use of private jets in the UK. He belongs to 'End UK Private Jets' which claims that 'carbon emissions in 2022 are genocide,' according to the Daily Mail.
He rubbed his arm to put the flames out as he sat on the tennis court while security rushed over to grab him, eventually dragging him away.  The man has appeared in several videos in the past explaining his hardline stance on climate activism." ZeroHedge