Thursday, September 8, 2022

Creation Moment 9/9/2022 - Forced March of Propaganda

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
Romans 1:20
"We’ve all seen the illustration—a knuckle-dragging ape follows a
hunchbacked hairy man-ape who follows a more erect, but still very hairy, man-ape, who eventually follows modern man, dressed in a suit and carrying a briefcase to his meeting. This apes-to-man illustration is popularly used to show people the supposed evolutionary transition from ape-like to modern man. 
Q: But is this “march of progress” accurate, even by evolutionary standards?
A: Well, according to a recent article, this is one of the misconceptions many people have of evolutionary biology.... But, according to the article, "People must unlearn this idea that biological diversity is an ascending ladder of complexity, with humans on top and nonhuman species as imperfect transitions and lesser beings." 
No, humans aren’t some sort of evolutionary pinnacle. We are far more than that! We’re the crown of God’s creation—the only part of everything he’s made that’s fashioned in his very image." AIG