Monday, September 5, 2022

Creation Moment 9/6/2022 - Dangers of an Old Earth View

 In the beginning...... Genesis 1:1

".....embracing an old earth entails the following consequences:
  1. Both the timescale and order of the creation account of Genesis
    are wrong.
  2. The Flood of Gen. 6-8 must have been local, not affecting all humans.
  3. The Babel account of Gen. 11 must have been local, not affecting all humans.
  4. Adam’s fall – and the subsequent curse on the earth – did not significantly affect the earth, plants, animals, or the human body.
  5. Adam, living about 10,000 BC, could not have been the ancestor of all humans living today.
  6. Hence the doctrines of the atonement must be revised
  7. Adam had human ancestors
  8. Hence human physical suffering and death occurred before the Fall and are not a penalty for sin.
These, in turn, entail the following constraints on the Bible:
  1. 1-11 does not report reliable history.
  2. Hence the Bible cannot be taken at face value when describing historical events, in which case we cannot believe everything the Bible says.
In sum, acceptance of an old earth has dire consequences for the rest of Gen. 1-11, for Biblical clarity, authority and inerrancy, and for the essentials of salvation.
Worldviews come as package deals. 
One cannot simply mix and match." 