Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Creation Moment 9/29/2022 - Creation & the Decalogue

"The decalogue points us back to Creation for the origin of the Sabbath. Ex.20:8-11
Q: For whom, then, did Jehovah make the Sabbath? for Himself? 
A: No. verily. He made it "for man." Mark 2:27. 
But were it possible to show a violation of the Sabbatic institution
in the
patriarchal age, it would no more destroy the sacred character of that institution, than a plain violation of the institution of marriage on the part of some of the patriarchs, affects the sacredness of the marriage institution. Mal.2:14,15; Gen. 2:21-24; Matt.19:4-8; Mark 10:6-8, compared with Gen.16: 25:6; 29; 30
---Both of these institutions were made for man before the fall. Mark 2:27; Gen.2:1-3; 1Cor.11:1-12; Gen.2:18.  
---Their sanctity is not derived from the decalogue; but the fourth commandment guards the sacredness of one, the seventh, the other. Ex.20:8-11,14." J.N. Andrews