Thursday, September 15, 2022

Creation Moment 9/16/2022 - Another "oops" Moment for Long Age Chronology

 "Skin of a juvenile hadrosaur emerges from a hillside in Canada;
Q:  is it really 78 million years old?

‘Dinosaur mummy’: Researchers believe they found one of the best
preserved dinosaurs ever
(USA Today, 13 Sept 2022).
Researchers from Australia, Canada and the UK are both shocked and delighted at seeing fossilized skin from a dinosaur. Mummified skin of what they believe is part of a foot and the tail of a juvenile hadrosaur was poking out of a hillside in front of them. A photo in the article shows paleontologists Brian Pickle and Caleb Brown standing beside the fossil sticking out of an eroding hillside.
It’s hard to imagine. This animal died 76 million years ago. It’s been perfectly preserved since then and it just happened to be just starting to erode out of this cliff when we were walking by,” Pickles said.
That is indeed hard to imagine
---But according to the evolutionary timeline, dinosaurs went extinct 65 million Darwin Years ago, and for reasons known only to experts, this one must have died 10 million Darwin Years before that.---
A close-up photo of the mummified skin shows some brownish-red color. The article does not say if original tissue has been found. The circumstances of its burial, though, are not hard to guess: it was buried rapidly.
 Live Science adds that some 400 to 500 dinosaur skeletons or skulls have been found in the area. 
Q: Why did they all perish and get buried here?"
A:  And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Genesis 7:10