Monday, August 1, 2022

The "Really" File - (Harpy Days in the Navy)

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5
"It seems as if every day lately there is another reason to break out
the champagne in Moscow and Beijing, and Saturday was no exception: it was the day of Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE)’s first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summer Festival,” featuring (what else), a drag show. What does all this woke nonsense have to do with winning wars? Oh, never mind that; that’s the old, white supremacist military! The new diverse military has other priorities altogether.
The festival will feature “a series of performances and speeches, including a poem on ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ and a drag show by Joshua Kelley, who performs under the moniker Harpy Daniels.”"

Harpy Daniels is actually a yeoman 3rd class in the United States Navy, and you can just imagine how proud John Paul Jones and Chester Nimitz would be if they saw young Harpy in action. He actually joined the Navy in order to finance his drag career. Back in the bad old days, young men joined the Navy out of a sense of patriotism (and no doubt a desire for adventure), but for Harpy it’s just a means to an end: “With drag being my number one passion,” Yeoman Harpy explained. “Doing drag allows me to embrace my feminine side and allows me to bring my diversity and creativity out. When I put on a face, it’s a face of art and creativity, not just a face of make-up. To hear people cheer, laugh or cry, or even join in with you during a performance is an absolute thrill.”
From the "Really" File

The whole thing was approved at the top: JBLE’s commander, Colonel Gregory Beaulieu, green-lighted the festival, and it was off to the races, er, that is, off to the drag show. And not just a drag show: the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summer Festival will also feature “bouncy houses and face painting for the children” who get bored with watching Harpy Daniels cavort." JPMedia