Friday, August 26, 2022

MARK OF THE BEAST: Let's Walk it back to it's ROOT

I. Starting in Revelation:
We see that the Mark consists of worship of the IMAGE of the
Q: What is that "Image" about? 
A: Well, according to Paul Christ reflected the IMAGE of the Father God via OBEDIENCE.
The opposite IMAGE would be reflected in DISOBEDIENCE.
---So we see that the world pays homage to the beast by going along with DISOBEDIENCE to God.

II. Now walk it back to Daniel:
The Little Horn entity (same as the Beast entity) thinks to change times
and laws
Q: Whose Law?
A: Obviously God's Law.
Q: What Law of God deals with time?
A: The Sabbath Commandment.
---Obviously a counterfeit Sabbath mandated by Law Globally. Since much of Christendom already keeps the first day of the week instead of the 7th as commanded by God it makes sense that it will be universally mandated.
btw, Sunday observance is NOT the Mark until that time it is universally enforced by government. NO one has the Mark today.

III. Now walk it back to Isaiah:
He informs us that God destroys the world in the end because they
1) Transgressed the Law Globally.....
Q: Whose Law?
A: God's Law obviously.
2) Changed the Ordinance----
Q: Which ordinance?
A: Obviously in context based on previous covered points, the Sabbath ordinance.
3) Broken the Everlasting Covenant----
Q: How?
A: By disconnecting true righteousness by Faith. They do that by separating Justification (Grace/Forgiveness) from Sanctification (Holiness/Obedience). They want the Grace but not the Holiness. They want the Justification but not the Sanctification.
IV. Now back to Eden:
Q: In the Garden who picked the Tree not to eat from? Did God tell
your first parents to pick a tree and they would all roll with it--OR--did God pick the Tree? 
Q: Who picked the Sabbath Day? Did God tell Adam & Eve to pick a day and they would all roll with it--OR--did God pick the day?
Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. 
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.  
Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
Genesis 2:1-3 NIV