Thursday, August 11, 2022

IN the NEWS - Modern Babel city filming Saudi Witch Movies (anyone surprised?)

Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, He abandoned them to their foolish thinking... Romans 1:28 NLT

 In the Saudi Arabian soon to open (2024) city of NEOM, [NEOM Link here:] sort of a Mother Earth oriented modern Babel, they are filming--you guessed it---a movie about witches.
How fitting that a city inspired by the paganism of Mother Earth is the set for filming about witches....
"Saudi Arabia’s MBC Studios announced this week that its
production team has started shooting the Kingdom’s fantasy adventure “Rise of the Witches.”
The team is filming in NEOM, the smart city in northwest Saudi Arabia.
The 10-part series, based on the best-selling Saudi mythology books by Osamah Almuslim, is said to be the Kingdom’s biggest show to date that features a local cast and crew.
It is set in ancient Arabia and tells the story of a war between two rival witch covens."