Friday, August 19, 2022

Creation Moment 8/20/2022 - Lucretius : an early Scoffer/same as the new Scoffers

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, ...
2 Peter 3:3

"Lucretius (1st century B.C.) who in his writings on, “the Nature of the Universe” attacked concepts central to the Biblical story of creation as “sheer nonsense”. Lucretius stated, “Nothing can ever be created by divine power out of nothing” … “the theory that they (the gods) deliberately created the world in all its natural splendor for the sake of man …. This theory … with all its attendant fictions is sheer nonsense!” 
Lucretius was a self-declared enemy of Scripture. 
---He said that if the origin of things could be explained without the need for gods, by natural means, people would cease to have fear of right and wrong, and would develop freely, doing and behaving as they desired. 
---Bent on doing just that, Lucretius went into detail on the formation of life from nonlife in a primordial “soup” and spent a good deal of time explaining the long evolutionary ascent of life from simple to complex. 
---He went into great detail discussing the influence of environmental factors like food supply on the evolutionary development of new adaptations. 
---Finally, according to Lucretius, life evolved as far as the early ancestors of man, primitive creatures having a “framework of bigger and solider bones fastened through their flesh to stout sinews.”
Luther often cited the creation account as an example of the clarity of Scripture. .... he stated the philosophers (the evolutionary writers) would never accept that since they work on the basis of human reason which “is blind, deaf, senseless, godless and sacrilegious in its dealing with all God’s words and works … ” CMI