Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Creation Moment 8/17/2022 - Purpose of Sun & Moon for us

"V. 14a. And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night.
Moses however makes a difference here, calling the sun and the moon the "greater lights."
These therefore are the primary offices of the sun and the moon: to be the rulers and directors of the night and the day; whereas the stars perform not these offices nor are so appointed of God. 
But the sun, when he rises, brings in the day without the rising or aid of the other stars. 
So the moon, even independently of the stars, is the ruler of the night and makes the night; for she is created by God for that very office. As to these changes of the day and the night, they are ordained for the refreshment of our bodies by sleep and rest. 
---The sun shows his brighter light for man's work
---The moon has her paler light as more adapted for repose than for work."
Martin Luther