Friday, July 15, 2022

That Sabbath Bridge

"The Sabbath
like a great bridge, 
spans all time. 
---The first pier upholding this great institution was placed in Eden, when,according to the account given in Gen. 2:2, 3, God and unfallen man rested through the sacred hours of the Sabbath
---The second pier of the bridge was founded amid the thunders of Sinai, when God, in proclaiming the fourth commandment as found in Ex. 20:8-11, gave the fact that He had rested upon the seventh day
from the work of creation, as the reason why man should keep it
---The third pier of the Sabbath bridge was hallowed by the
blood of Calvary. While the Son of the mighty God rested in the
tomb from the work of redemption, it is recorded in Luke 23:54-56
that Jesus' followers "rested on the Sabbath day according to the
---The fourth pier of this wonderful bridge will be laid in the earth made new. In Isa. 63:22,23, we are told that after the last trace of the curse of sin is removed from the earth, all flesh will from Sabbath to Sabbath come to worship before the Lord." 
Stephen Haskell