Wednesday, July 27, 2022

La Quintrala and the 2nd Resurrection

 La Quintrala (1604-1665) was A colonial nightmare for those
around her in Chile of German, Spanish & Inca descent. 
She was a well connected woman of Chilean nobility whose family connections would keep her out of prison and from the hangman's noose during her lifetime (although she'd be arrested but released occasionaly for her evil crimes).
Her older sister Maria was expelled to Peru for attempted murder early on--so her and her sister shared in the evil heart.
La Quintrala's first suspected murder was that of her own father whom her own relatives tried to have her charged with.
She married multiple times suspected of killing some of her husbands. Also, some of her lovers she would stab to death and blame a slave who would be executed for it.
She was most famous for killing her slaves through various tortures she'd think up. One time when most of her slaves ran off because of her cruelty (this was after she had killed one for fun and left the corpse to rot in the open for 2 weeks) she tracked them down and gleefully had them tortured.
She was well known around town for bribing officials who would investigate her crimes including her abuse of her slaves.
In her will she left her money from her estates to the Church including large sums to pay for many masses for her soul. She also left some for the Augustinian order of the Church.
*Sadly for  La Quintrala NO AMOUNT OF MONEY can save her soul. 
You cannot BUY your own forgiveness. And unless she had a true repentance as she lived and died alone in her home in the end - she will find out the hard way during the second resurrection.
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, (1st resurrection) and some to shame and everlasting contempt (2nd resurrection)....But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished (2nd resurrection).... And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. (2nd resurrection).
Daniel 12:2/Revelation 20:5/John 5:29