Thursday, July 28, 2022

IN the NEWS - Babel 2024 in the name of Mother Earth?

Modern Day Throwback to Babel---a city where man tries to save himself & the earth. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. Genesis 11:4
"Saudi Arabia shared an advertisement for a titanic megacity project
it has proposed.
The project, simply referred to as “The Line,” is a smart megacity project being proposed in the planned city of Neom, in the northwestern part of the country. 
The ambitious project will be just about 650 feet wide and 1,600 feet tall, but is planned to stretch for just under 106 miles long. The project’s website claims that once it is completed, the city will be home to some 9 million residents.
 “For too long, humanity has existed within dysfunctional and polluted cities that ignore nature,” a promotional video for the project says. “Now, a revolution in civilization is taking place. Imagine a traditional city, and consolidating its footprint, designing to protect and enhance nature.
The Line’s website promotes the futuristic megacity as operating on
100% renewable energy, and preserving 95% of the surrounding land for nature. The city will be built as a series of individual nodes connected by a high-speed rail system that can travel the length of the city in just 20 minutes. The city is divided into three layers: two layers underground for transportation and infrastructure, and the surface layer, which will be exclusively for pedestrians. There will be no cars or roads, and the website claims that all residents will be able to access their daily necessities within 5-minute walk neighborhoods.
The promotional video further explains that the city will be surrounded by a mirrored glass facade, and will provide “equitable views” and an “immediate access to nature.”
According to Bloomberg, earthwork on the city began in October 2021, and the first residents are projected to move in by 2024.
 “Saudi Arabia figured out a way to cram all the city-dwelling libs into a giant wall that they never have to leave and convinced them it’s really cool and progressive,” The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles added." DailyWire