Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Creation Moment 7/7/2022 - Vortices of Electricity

 DESIGN of Flow--EVERYTHING HAS ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE...even Electricity....For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible.. Colossians 1:16

"An international team of physicists has observed electrons flowing in vortices — a hallmark of fluid flow that theorists predicted
electrons should exhibit, but that has never been seen until now.

When electricity runs through most ordinary metals and semiconductors, the momenta and trajectories of electrons in the current are influenced by impurities in the material and vibrations among the material’s atoms. These processes dominate electron behavior in ordinary materials.
But theoretical physicists have predicted that in the absence of such ordinary, classical processes, quantum effects should take over.
Namely, electrons should pick up on each other’s delicate quantum behavior and move collectively, as a viscous, honey-like electron fluid.

This liquid-like behavior should emerge in ultraclean materials and at near-zero temperatures.
In 2017, MIT Professor Leonid Levitov and his colleagues from the University of Manchester reported signatures of such fluid-like electron behavior in graphene.
The authors observed that electrons flowing through patterned channels in gold flakes did so without reversing direction, even when some of the current passed through each side chamber before joining back up with the main current.
In contrast, electrons flowing through tungsten ditelluride flowed through the channel and swirled into each side chamber, much as water would do when emptying into a bowl.
The electrons created small whirlpools in each chamber before flowing back out into the main channel. “That is a very striking thing, and it is the same physics as that in ordinary fluids, but happening with electrons on the nanoscale. That’s a clear signature of electrons being in a fluid-like regime.”