Saturday, July 16, 2022

Creation Moment 7/17/2022 - S2 Quandry for Long Age Cosmology

Where is the way where light dwelleth? 
and as for darkness, where is the place thereof,...
Job 38:19
"Another star, dubbed S2, or S0-2, orbits the black hole in sixteen
years and is also problematic for mainstream theorists. Astronomers think it is a young, hot blue ‘main sequence’ star. 
But they acknowledge “[i]t is challenging to explain the presence of such a young star in close proximity to a supermassive black hole.”
By evolutionary reckoning, S2 had to have formed less than 10 million years ago. But the strong tidal forces near S2’s present location seem to preclude that it could have formed there.
Q: Could it have formed farther away and then migrated inward? 
A: Perhaps, but this process would require a very “efficient” migration process, yet “[c]urrent understanding of the distribution of stars [here], however, does not permit such efficient migration.”
---In other words, the migration process should have taken more than 10 million years, longer than the ‘main sequence’ lifetime of the star! Simply put, by evolutionary reckoning, S2 should not exist." ICR