Thursday, June 23, 2022

No Need to wade into the Noxious Weeds

"God never designed that man should know anything but good. 
Why should anybody wish to know anything else? 
How many people are there who think that there is a lack in their lives because they do not know how it feels to be bitten by a mad dog? 
Who is pining to know what it is to have small-pox or the plague?
It is far better to know only that which is good; and in spite of what some “moralists” teach, it is not necessary to know evil in order to attain to real virtue. The strongest character ever known on earth,
2 Corinthians 5
21 …knew no sin.

---Many who are set to be teachers of the Gospel imagine that they have to be acquainted with every form of heresy, in order to guard the flock against error. But the shepherd that leads the flock only in the green pastures that the Chief Shepherd provides, has no need to study noxious weeds."
E.J. Waggoner