Friday, June 10, 2022

Creation Moment 6/11/2022 - Darwin's Imagination

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,.... so that they are without excuse....
Romans 1:20
"Darwin never observed one creature evolving into another creature kindhis imagination was the source of his idea. 

Even today, the examples evolutionists offer as demonstrations of evolution are all low-confidence science. Darwin conjectured about the forces that might drive creatures to change and invented a mystical concept called natural selection from outside his observations. 
----Darwin never saw nature selecting; he observed speciation, a step in the process of how creatures adapt to changing environments. 
His concept of natural selection isn’t built on objective empirical evidence; it’s a subjective framework for interpreting observations.
Here’s the point: Nature can’t select—it has no such ability."