Saturday, June 4, 2022

ARCHAEOLOGY: What's in those Envelopes?

The timeframe is roughly that of the days of the Judges....wonder if when they open and read those envelopes will there be any info about activity in the lands to their south? Or will it be just routine correspondence....Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass, that the children of Israel asked the LORD, saying, Who shall go up for us against the Canaanites first, to fight against them? Judges 1:1
".......archaeologists has uncovered a 3400-year-old Mitanni Empire-
era city once located on the Tigris River. The settlement emerged from the waters of the Mosul reservoir early this year as water levels fell rapidly due to extreme drought in Iraq. 
The extensive city with a palace and several large buildings could be ancient Zakhiku – believed to have been an important center in the Mitanni Empire (ca. 1550-1350 BC)..... the city was destroyed in an earthquake around 1350 BC, during which the collapsing upper parts of the walls buried the buildings.

Of particular interest is the discovery of five ceramic vessels that contained an archive of over 100 cuneiform tablets. They date to the Middle Assyrian period, shortly after the earthquake disaster struck the city. Some clay tablets, which may be letters, are even still in their clay envelopes. The researchers hope this discovery will provide important information about the end of the Mitanni-period city and the beginning of Assyrian rule in the region." 