Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Which Servant Do You Long To Be?

"The depravity of our race is the doctrinal fact upon which rests the necessity of our being sanctified. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Rom. iii, 23
*All are naturally inclined to love the ways of sin and to do evil
The power of sin has so
affected the human family, that they may, in their natural state, be called the servants of sin
*But sanctification purifies and alienates us from the dominion of sin; destroys the corrupt propensities of our fallen natures; rectifies our affections and inclinations, and brings our entire beings into subjection to the will of God, so that we may properly be called the servants of righteousness.
Sanctification consists, moreover, in cleansing from sin, in
making pure and holy that which is impure and unholy. 
In this sense Christians are sanctified, and in the progress of their
sanctification, there is a setting apart to holy purposes--a self-consecration to the glory of God."