Monday, May 9, 2022

When that Garment of Heaviness Presses Against Your Soul

"You look at your feelings, and because your outlook is not all brightness, you begin to draw more closely the garment of heaviness about your soul
--You look within yourself and think that God is forsaking you. 
--You are to look to Christ....
Entering into communion with our Savior, we enter the region of peace.... 
Lay your sins, both of omission and of commission, upon the Sin-bearer. You know that you love the Lord; then do not worry away your life because Satan harasses you with his falsehoods. 
Believe that Jesus will and does pardon your transgression. 
He bore the sins of the whole world. 
Go to  God in simple faith, saying, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. Mark 9:24."