Monday, May 30, 2022

The "Really" File - (Mattel Goes All Rom.1:30)

 ...inventors of evil things.... Romans 1:30
"Executive Vice President and Global Head of Barbie and Dolls at
Mattel Lisa McKnight said in a statement, “We are proud to highlight the importance of inclusion and acceptance at every age and to recognize Laverne’s significant impact on culture with a Tribute Collection Barbie” by releasing a Tribute Barbie of transgender actor Laverne Cox.

Cox, an Emmy Nominated Actress and Emmy winning producer, is a biological male who identifies as a woman. People reported Cox was “very involved” in designing the doll.

“What excites me most about her being out in the world is that trans
From the "Really" File

young people can see her and maybe get to purchase her and play with her, and know that there’s a Barbie made by Mattel, for the first time, in the likeness of a trans person
,” Cox said, according to People. 
I begged my mother for a Barbie doll and she said no because I was assigned male at birth,” Cox said. “And when I was in my 30s, I was in therapy and telling my therapist that I was denied the opportunity to play with Barbie dolls. And my therapist said, ‘It’s never too late to have a happy childhood, and what you should do for your inner child is go out and buy yourself a Barbie doll.'”