Sunday, May 22, 2022

Lesson of Forsaking Their Nets "Straightway"

 Straightway they forsook their nets, and followed Him. Mark 1:18
"WHEN they heard the call of Jesus, Simon and Andrew obeyed at
once without demur. 
If we would always, punctually and with resolute zeal, put in practice what we hear upon the spot, ....He will not lose his loaf who has taken care at once to eat it.
Most readers and hearers become moved so far as to purpose to amend; but, alas! the proposal is a blossom which has not been knit, and therefore no fruit comes of it; 
--they wait, they waver, 
--and then they forget, 
till, like the ponds in nights of frost, when the sun shines by day, they are only thawed in time to be frozen again. 
That fatal to-morrow is blood-red with the murder of fair resolutions; it is the slaughter-house of the innocents. 
Do not be caught in your own nets
but break the meshes of worldliness
and away where glory calls you. 
Grant it, O Lord, unto thy servant!"
Charles Spurgeon