Friday, May 13, 2022

King Tut's Generation & their Memory of the Flood Story

Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
1 Peter 3:20
"‘Shrine I’ is the outermost and largest of Tutankhamun’s shrines richly decorated within and without with text. 

On the left, and back panels, are passages from HC, including imagery on the back panel of the Great Flood (represented by the Heavenly Cow), supported by Shu, and assisted by the eight Ḥeḥ-gods. 
The belly of the Cow is covered with stars, representing the sky, where Ra is depicted sailing in his solar bark. It should be noted here that the function of the eight Ḥeḥ-gods aiding Shu in supporting the sky is identical in function to that of the Ogdoad, aiding Shu in supporting the sky, as seen in the 26th dynasty tombs at el-Bawiti, thereby establishing the identity of the eight Ḥeḥ-gods as that of the Ogdoad
In other words, the Ogdoad who represent the eight Ḥeḥ-gods, prevent the cosmos from being destroyed by the Flood. In Tutankhamun’s shrine 1, the image of the Cow is framed by the inscription: 
Words spoken by (the Cow) the Great Flood: Come my son of my body, my beloved one, Lord of the Two male members of the Ogdoad, who by this time had become an important god in his own right. So Tutankhamun having inscriptions of the Great Flood and the Eight gods inscribed on his funerary chapel is consistent with his Amun title. 
The memory of the Eight and the Great Flood is also shared by some of the greatest names in pharaonic history." CMI