Monday, May 2, 2022

IN the NEWS - Yet Another Potential Tool? Service de garantie de l’identit é numérique

Yet Another Potential Tool for controlling buying and selling in the future? that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark... Rev. 13:7 NIV
"Days after French President Emmanuel Macron’s re-election, Prime Minister Jean Castex confirmed the formation of a digital ID system, dubbed the “Digital Identity Guarantee Service.”

France announced the new system will operate via a smartphone and will be called “Service de garantie de l’identité numérique” (SGIN) (“Digital Identity Guarantee Service”).
The app will be an extension of the electronic Carte Nationale d’Identité (CNIe) and will authenticate a person’s identity for granting access to both public and private sector services.
Under the proposals, a smartphone’s NFC reader will scan citizens’ biometric identity cards." IW