Sunday, May 29, 2022

IN the NEWS - Unholy Alliance Power Grab

And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her,... Revelation 18:19
IF they get away with this what will be next? 
Doing a similar thing in the name of a so-called Climate Change Lockdown--Laudato Si' style?
"In the coming days, the nations that adhere to the World Health
will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO's management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

If these resolutions are approved by a majority, the WHO will have exclusive international authority in the case of a pandemic to impose all the rules — including quarantines, lockdowns, obligatory vaccinations and vaccine passports. It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity, and thus its members cannot be either tried or convicted if they commit crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than that which citizens confer on their representatives by means of their democratic vote.

The psycho-pandemic has demonstrated the enslavement of rulers, the political system, the media, the judiciary, the entire medical industry, and even the Holy See itself to the diktats of a group of functionaries of a supranational entity that has a blatant conflict of interest. 
The Holy See — which is a permanent observer at the United Nations and also at the WHO for one year now —....up until now [Pope Francis] and his cabal have indulged the delusions of Gates, Schwab, and Soros," 