Tuesday, May 10, 2022

IN the NEWS - Sri Lanka a Taste of Things to come?

Is Ceylon (Sri Lanka) a Taste of Things to come? --OR-- an isolated situation?
With the predicted coming global food shortage, surging inflation and energy costs---is this what the world is about to experience? We will see.....The hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth... Revelation 3:10

"Amid large scale protests in the country, Sri Lanka's defence ministry issued shoot-on-sight orders. The move came as fresh protests broke out in Sri Lanka's capital Colombo today.
Local media outlets reported on Monday night local time that over 150 people had been hospitalized and several found dead, including a member of Parliament in Sri Lanka following a violent mob
attack on a protester encampment in the capital, Colombo
Sri Lanka’s Daily Mirror has published multiple shocking videos of the homes of ministers, members of parliament, former government officials, and the most powerful person in the country, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, completely engulfed in flames. Rajapaksa announced his resignation before his house was set on first on Monday.
Sri Lanka has been experiencing months of protests– in response to the worst economic crisis in its history. The country, a democratic socialist republic, is facing all-consuming shortages of gasoline,
good, medicine, and nearly every basic good
. Government policies under Rajapaksa, who was president from 2005 to 2015, and his brother, current President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, resulted in a major debt default that handed over its key Hambantota port to China and over-reliance on importing food and that caused major shortages triggered in part by the war between Russia and Ukraine.
Gotabaya Rajapaksa exacerbated shortages by banning chemical fertilizers for farmers, limiting the domestic food supply.
Following the attacks on the two main protest sites, SLPP Polonnaruwa District MP Amarakeerthi Athukorala’s vehicle was mobbed by a group when it reached Nittambuwa on Monday (9) afternoon. Following an altercation, shots were fired, and the MP died, Sri Lanka’s News First reported." Breitbart/WION