Saturday, May 28, 2022

IN the NEWS - The "godfather" has Died

 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"Cardinal Sodano, Vatican ‘Godfather’ alleged to have covered up
clerical abuse, dies aged 94. 
Cardinal Sodano died May 27, after having been hospitalized in Rome’s  Columbus Hospital-Gemelli for COVID-19 since May 9.
Sodano, who has been described as the “Vatican’s Godfather,” was mired in controversy over his alleged role in covering up clerical sexual abuse, particularly in the case of Marcial Maciel and ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
The office for the Secretary of State for the Holy See stated over Twitter that it was “united in prayer over the loss” of the cardinal.
Despite Pope Francis’ praise for the cardinal, Sodano has been mired in controversy, accused of covering up clerical sexual abuse, and even of being an active homosexual himself.
The highly influential cardinal was very closely linked to the pedophile priest Marcial Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ,  and was said to have protected and covered up for Maciel.
 “For years a leaf did not move in the Vatican unless Cardinal Sodano wanted it to,” said Badilla.
 New York Times’ bestselling author Frederic Martel wrote that the cardinal was “La Montgolfiera,” a previously un-identified active homosexual in Martel’s book Sodoma (In the Closet of the Vatican). Himself a homosexual, Martel stated: “My rule was not to reveal the homosexuality of a living priest or cardinal. Now that he is dead, the truth can be written.” 