Tuesday, May 17, 2022

IN the NEWS - Children of their father busy in America

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning....John 8:44
"Online posts apparently by 18-year-old suspect Payton Gendron
indicate previous visit to site where 10 Black people were killed. In his censored 180-page manifesto, the Buffalo shooter was a self-described white supremacist who praised communism, rejected Christianity, and hated Fox News and conservatism......the Buffalo shooter described himself in a 180-page manifesto censored online as a “leftist authoritarian” and a “green nationalist” who subscribed to communism. The white gunman accused of the massacre of 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarket wrote as far back as November about staging a livestreamed attack on African Americans. He also practised shooting from his car and travelled hours from his home to scout out the store in March, according to detailed diary entries he appears to have posted online." 
 "....there was another mass shooting in America on Sunday. It happened at a church in Laguna Woods in Orange County,
California. It claimed the life of one person and wounded five others.
The victims were Taiwanese ....
The suspect is a Chinese-born man named David Wenwei Chou, a 68-year-old resident of Las Vegas. His motivation for the mass shooting was described in a hand-written note in Chinese left on a car dashboard, as was reported by the L.A. Times.
David Wenwei Chou, 68, of Las Vegas, left notes in Chinese in his car stating he did not believe Taiwan should be independent from China, said Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes,” the Times reported.
There is at least a story of heroism in the church shooting that caused the mass shooting to be much less deadly than the Buffalo shooting: A brave man named Dr. John Cheng, the only victim thus far to have fatal injuries, tackled the man and subdued him before more were injured.
Understanding that there was elderly everywhere and they couldn’t get out of the premises because the doors had been chained,” Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer said, “he took it upon himself to charge across the room and to do everything he could to disable the assailant.”  
"A gunman remains on the loose after storming into a Dallas hair salon Wednesday afternoon and shooting three women, reports said. An unidentified suspect stopped his dark-colored minivan on a six
lane road in front of the plaza, walked into the store and began incoherently shouting before opening fire, KXAS-TV reported. 
Dallas police describe the shooter as a Black male about 5 feet, 7 inches to 5 feet, 10 inches with a thin build, curly hair and a beard. He was seen driving a maroon minivan.
The injured women, all of whom are Korean, were expected to survive, and the suspect — who police identified as black — remained in the wind, according to the outlets."
"Police Superintendent David Brown told reporters Wednesday that a 28-year-old admitted gang member is behind much of the recent
gang violence in the South Side
....In all, 21 people were shot in Chicago Tuesday, two of them fatally, a toll generally seen on a violent weekend in the city. At least 14 people were shot, two of them fatally, on Monday, and 24 people were shot — 6 of them fatally — over the past weekend. The innocents in Chicago don’t have to look far to blame someone. The culture of violence on the streets is matched by the culture of permissiveness that enables the violence from city hall to Back of the Yards."