Thursday, May 19, 2022

Ezekiel 11:19 [the 4 parts] Learn Them

"A new name, or a new face, will not serve without a new spirit.
This is a gospel promise. 
Verse Ezekiel 11:19. And I will give them one heart — A whole system of renewed affections. That God will give them one heart, a heart entire for the true God and not divided as it had been among
many gods.

And I will put a new spirit within you — To direct and influence these new affections. 
And I will take the stony heart out of their flesh — That which would not receive the impressions of my Spirit. That He will take away the stony heart out of their flesh, out of their corrupt nature. Their hearts shall no longer be, as they have been, dead and dry, and hard and heavy, as a stone, no longer incapable of bearing good fruit, so that the good seed is lost upon it, as it was on the stony ground.
And will give them a heart of flesh — One that is capable of receiving and retaining these impressions. That He will give them a heart of flesh, not dead or proud flesh, but living flesh; He will make their hearts sensible of spiritual pains and spiritual pleasures, will make them tender, and apt to receive impressions."
Adam Clarke/Matthew Henry