Sunday, May 8, 2022

Creation Moment 5/9/2022 - Framed Venus Part 1

 Each Unique Planet =FRAMED by the Word of God
 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,...
Hebrews 11:3
Venus’ powerful atmosphere teaches us that it’s a much more
integrated part of the planet that affects absolutely everything, even how fast the planet rotates.
Venus takes 243 Earth days to rotate one time, but its atmosphere circulates the planet every 4 days.
Extremely fast winds cause the atmosphere to drag along the surface of the planet as it circulates, slowing its rotation while also loosening the grip of the Sun’s gravity.
Slow rotation in turn has dramatic consequences for the sweltering Venusian climate, with average temperatures of up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit.
It’s incredibly alien, a wildly different experience than being on Earth. Standing on the surface of Venus would be like standing at the bottom of a very hot ocean. You couldn’t breathe on it,” Professor Kane said.
One reason for the heat is that nearly all of the Sun’s energy
absorbed by the planet is soaked up by Venus’ atmosphere, never reaching the surface. This means that a rover with solar panels like the one NASA sent to Mars wouldn’t work.
The Venusian atmosphere also blocks the Sun’s energy from leaving the planet, preventing cooling or liquid water on its surface, a state known as a runaway greenhouse effect." SciNews