Saturday, May 7, 2022

Creation Moment 5/8/2022 - Ideological Fog Inhibits the Cerebral Function of the Darwinist

 ....and ye fools, when will ye be wise?
Psalm 94:8
"It seems bewildering that there would be perplexity as to when human life begins. 

No one is uncertain about that in the breeding of a racehorse or in the gestation of an embryo belonging to an endangered species. 
Q: So, what’s different about the human embryo? 
Q: What is so difficult about recognizing the beginning of a human life, such that the pundits of this age have excused the slaughter of the unborn, and even of the born...There is trouble only when an ideological fog inhibits the cerebral function of the Darwinist
---It’s odd that so many Darwinists demean humanity even as they aver that humans represent the pinnacle of evolution,  given the “evolution” of speech, superior intelligence, ingenuity, and creativity. 
---In a “nature rights” perspective, these are all to be trashed in order to spare the lower forms of evolution, whether animals or plants. 

---Stranger is the fact that only humans are sentient and able to appreciate the lower forms of beings on our planet. Beauty does not exist in the mind of an endangered yellow-legged frog as he glances at a flower-covered meadow, or foliose lichen growing on the side of a tree that overlooks a majestic mountain scene."
EN&V/Kenneth Feucht