Sunday, May 1, 2022

Creation Moment 5/2/2022 - COMPLEX Control System

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made... Psalm 139:14

"Initial animal embryo cells are genetically identical and pre-
by the mother with maternal RNA, ribosomes, and proteins, which control the establishment of the body plan in the offspring embryo.
As the cells continue to divide over the process of embryogenesis, they are converted into different cell types, eventually resulting in skin, muscle, bone, connective tissues, nerve cells, etc, in a process called differentiation.
A complex control system exists which causes the embryonic cells to differentiate so that the appropriate body parts and organs will develop at the proper location in the developing body at the required time. 
This system must operate at a high level of control to ensure the zygote develops into a complete functional organism consisting of many billions of differentiated cells that develop into functional organs and organ systems. 
The fates of individual cells and lineages are determined by a variety of genetic systems involving 
transcription factors, 
gene regulatory features (promoters, enhancers, and silencers), chromatin-modifying non-coding RNAs, 
as well as cytosine and histone modifications that accurately mark and dynamically designate its state in the developmental continuum." CMI