Thursday, April 21, 2022

The "Really" File - (Profane Babblings of Burger King)

 But shun profane and vain babblings: 
for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
2 Timothy 2:16
"Burger King came under fire during Holy Week after running an ad
campaign in which they used the words of Jesus Christ at the Last Supper to sell their new vegetarian burger. 

Take all of you and eat of it,” wrote one ad. “Which doesn’t have meat. 100% vegetarian. 100% flavor. Big King Vegetable.” Another ad read, “Flesh of my flesh,” with the word “flesh” crossed out and replaced with “vegetable.” In Spain, the word “flesh” is synonymous with “meat.”

Burger King, which is headquartered in Miami, Florida, chose to run an advertisement campaign in Spain in which they used a spoof of the Eucharist to sell their vegetarian products, like the “Impossible Whopper”.
From the "Really" File

In response to the backlash, Burger King took to Twitter to apologize for the campaign. “We apologize to all those who have been offended by our campaign aimed at promoting our vegetable products at Easter. Our intention has never been to offend anyone and the immediate withdrawal of the campaign has already been requested,” the company tweeted in Spanish." Sputnik